Sunday, April 22, 2012

Smashed possibilities

One of my undergrad profs once shared an idea from contemporary physics. This was a humanities prof and I was doodling, so forgive the unscientific details: The idea was that the universe stretched out in many different layers and everything was likely, but each time we made a choice, we reached in and wrested it from the multiplicity of possibilities, which were smashed, and a new tangle of possibilities stretched out from our winning choice. I remember that phrase, smashed possibilities. I think it paralyzed me. My writer’s block built up around me not long after that, and stretched up, up, up for ten years. I still worry about it. Any time I bend my head down over a new sentence, I have taken one idea, just a glimmer, and I’m oblivious to a hundred more. Things happen around me that I’ll never see, things that might change me.

But it’s better to catch even one thought than none, and seizing one possibility out of many is better than a web of possibilities, densely tangled, ever growing. A few weeks ago I sat in the Orpheum Theatre, high up in the cheap seats, taking in the muralled ceiling, the crystal chandelier, the velvet curtain, the rush, the beauty, the art, and everything seemed to swell up like a bubble. I thought a familiar thought, that this is too huge to capture. It’s like swimming against a rip tide.